
For all alumni

Alumni Association of the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies 


 The GSGES Alumni Association was established in March 2004 and has so far welcomed not only graduates of the master’s and doctoral programs at GSGES but also those who have completed short-term programs and those who have transferred or retired. Through various interpersonal interactions, we have deepened multi-layered and interdisciplinary exchanges.

Established in March 2004
山崎 衛(地球環境学舎修士課程・2010年度修了)
Mamoru Yamasaki (graduated from the master’s course of GSGES in 2010)

【主な活動 Our major activities】
 Sharing the information on GSGES’s current activities
 Annual board meeting
 General meeting and reunion party (once every few years)
 Management of membership directory
 Planning/support of reunion events

【新規入会・会員情報更新手続き Registration/Update form of GSGES Alumni Association】

E-mail: ges.alumni.bureau*gmail.com(*を@に変えてください)

Faculty/Graduate School alumni