Kyoto University-Myanmar Alumni Network (KU-MAN)
The Kyoto University-Myanmar Alumni Network (KU-MAN) was established by international KU students from Myanmar in March 2020. It seeks to reach and engage all KU alumni and students; to help the graduates connected with KU; and to strengthen collaboration efforts in education, research, and development initiatives that bring individuals, scholars, businesses, industries, universities, and other institutions from Japan and Myanmar together. KU-MAN also aims to promote international collaboration with KU Alumni Associations from other ASEAN countries.

Contact: Myo Min Win
Address: Chemical Engineering Department
Mandalay Technological University
Patheingyi Township, Mandalay, Myanmar
Tel.: +95-9-4480-34890
Fax: +95-2-57361
E-mail: myominwin40* (please replace * with @)