
How to Join the Kyoto University Alumni Association as an Individual Member

How to Join the Kyoto University Alumni Association as an Individual Member

Any member of an alumni association listed under “Faculty/Graduate School alumni,” “Regional alumni associations (in Japan, overseas),” “Thematic alumni associations,” or “Extracurricular club alumni associations” on the Kyoto University Alumni website is already a member of the Kyoto University Alumni Association. As such, there is no need for a separate application.

If you are a graduate of Kyoto University ‘s undergraduate or graduate school but not a member of an alumni association and wish to join the Kyoto University Alumni Association, or if you used to be a faculty or staff member of Kyoto University and wish to join the association, please apply below. ​

Application form

A review will be conducted based on the information you submit. Once this is completed, you will be notified of your registration by e-mail.

Application process ​

Submission of the application form ​
Confirmation of school register and alumni association affiliation
Already a member if a member of an alumni association listed on the Kyoto University Alumni website ​​
Registration, if no alumni association membership​
E-mail response ​​

​【Contact information】​

Kyoto University Alumni Secretariat
5F, Kyoto University International Science Innovation Building,
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501
E-Mail:alumni*www.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Replace * with @)