
Establishing a New Alumni Association or Joining an Unofficial Alumni Association

Establishing a New Alumni Association or Joining an Unofficial Alumni Association

If your association is not listed in the “Faculty/Graduate School alumni.,” “Regional alumni associations (in Japan, overseas),” “Thematic alumni associations,” or “Extracurricular club alumni associations.”, on the Kyoto University Alumni website, it may apply for membership as follows.

  • Have at least 10 members. ​
  • Regularly undertake activities to promote exchange among its members, such as social gatherings.​
  • Have a representative, such as a Chair, who can act as its liaison (secretariat).

​Representatives of associations that meet the above conditions and wish to join KUA are advised to follow the procedures that are available by contacting the KUA Secretariat.​

How to Join ​​

Contact or make an inquiry to the Kyoto University Alumni Secretariat
Member recruitment​
A preparation period of around six to eight months is needed.​​
Election of officers, etc.​​
General Meeting of Establishment
Application to the Kyoto University Alumni Association

We offer various forms of support if you are interested in starting a new alumni association. Please contact the following alumni secretariat first. ​​

If you already have an unofficial alumni association and wish to join as an official Kyoto University Alumni Association, the procedure is as follows:
Contact or make an inquiry to the of the Kyoto University Alumni SecretariatApplication to the Kyoto University Alumni AssociationApproval ​​​​

​【Contact information】​

Kyoto University Alumni Secretariat
5F, Kyoto University International Science Innovation Building,
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501
E-Mail:alumni*www.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Replace * with @)