
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there plans to create alumni associations in prefectures and countries that do not have one?
Kyoto University Alumni Association wishes to have as many alumni associations as possible across Japan and in other countries. Alumni are primarily in charge of creating and running alumni associations, but the Kyoto University Alumni Secretariat is also happy to help. Please feel free to contact us (alumni@www.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp).
I would like to join several alumni associations. Is there an upper limit?
There is no upper limit. You can join any local or thematic alumni association in Japan or abroad as long as the association approves and confirms your application. However, most alumni associations for faculties, graduate schools, clubs, and extracurricular activities require that applicants are graduates of the relevant faculty/graduate school or former members of the relevant club/extracurricular activity.
Are there any benefits to joining an alumni association?
If you join the alumni association of your faculty or graduate school, you can obtain the latest information about that faculty or graduate school and the classes there. Further, you can deepen your interactions and friendships with faculty members, seniors, and juniors. If you join a local or thematic alumni association, you can meet and interact with people in various professions and cross boundaries of age and what you studied. Moreover, local and thematic alumni associations in Japan offer opportunities to hear cutting-edge research results from Kyoto University lecturers.
Will I be able to contact former classmates and seniors?
Please ask the alumni association of the faculty or graduate school where you studied.
I would like to change the information registered with my alumni association.
Please contact your alumni association.
I would like to notify about the passing of the parent or child of an alumnus/alumna.
Please contact your alumni association.
I no longer wish to receive the association bulletin.
Please contact your alumni association.
Please tell me about the publication of the alumni association’s members list.
Please contact your alumni association.
Please tell me how to withdraw from my association.
Please contact your alumni association.
Please tell me how to pay the membership fee.
Please contact your alumni association.
I want to know about Homecoming Day.
Please visit the Homecoming Day website.https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/social/hc-day
I want to change my KUON registration.
Please log in to the website for the Kyoto University Alumni Association service KUON and change it there.
I would like to have a lifetime e-mail address.
Obtaining a lifetime e-mail address is a two-step process: (a) registering for the Kyoto University Alumni Association service KUON and (b) logging in and applying through your account webpage. See the website below for more details:
My work place is asking me to submit a certificate of enrollment.
Please contact the office of your faculty or graduate school.
I would like to know about donations.
Please visit the website of the Kyoto University Foundation.